The following code in a batch file (.bat)
echo Something to write to text file > %TEMP%/test.txt
creates a text file in temp-directory of system with the content in echo-command.
If one needs to append more lines to the text file, ">" becomes ">>". When only ">" is used, then the text file is overwritten everytime, the echo command is called.
For example, if one wants to create a reg-file according to the input parametrs of a batch file, i.e.
test.bat abc 1000 Admin
then following coding will be helpful;
@echo off
if exist %TEMP%\%1.reg goto createFile
echo REGEDIT4 > %TEMP%\%1.reg
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Something] >> %TEMP%\%1.reg
echo "Entry1"="%2" >> %TEMP%\%1.reg
echo "Entry2"="%3" >> %TEMP%\%1.reg
regedit /s %TEMP%\%1.reg
del %TEMP%\%1.reg