
Opera's search shortcuts

Opera now (with version 9.x) allows you edit & add shortcut searches..
If you enter

g Opera

in the opera browser's adress bar, the Google search engine is started to search for "Opera".
You enter the settings under Tools-Preferences menu and then Search-tab.
A shortcut (which is keyword under settings) must be given, for example for Wikipedia English "we".
And then the address is given with the %s placeholder, which stands for the search string, that the user enters after the keyword.

Here are two examples to search the Wikipedia;

  • Wikipedia in English
    • Keyword : we
    • Address : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=%s&go=Go
  • Wikipedia in German
    • Keyword : wd
    • Address : http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spezial:Search?search=%s&go=Artikel


Basic Google Hacks

Search for sites with specific url entry of any site. For example;


searches sites with lvappl entry (live applet for webcams)

Search for sites with the given title. For example;

intitle:"Live Applet"

searches sites, which have Live Applet words in their titles.

Other useful examples;



Create a Text File Dynamically with User Input

The following code in a batch file (.bat)

echo Something to write to text file > %TEMP%/test.txt

creates a text file in temp-directory of system with the content in echo-command.

If one needs to append more lines to the text file, ">" becomes ">>". When only ">" is used, then the text file is overwritten everytime, the echo command is called.

For example, if one wants to create a reg-file according to the input parametrs of a batch file, i.e.

test.bat abc 1000 Admin

then following coding will be helpful;

@echo off
if exist %TEMP%\%1.reg
goto createFile

echo REGEDIT4 > %TEMP%\%1.reg
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Something] >> %TEMP%\%1.reg
echo "Entry1"="%2" >> %TEMP%\%1.reg
echo "Entry2"="%3" >> %TEMP%\%1.reg

regedit /s %TEMP%\%1.reg

del %TEMP%\%1.reg

.NET Visual Studio TeamSystem Free and OpenSource Alternatives


Open-Source version control system.

Project Homepage: subversion.tigris.org

Dokumentation: svnbook.red-bean.com

TortoiseSVN is plugin for Windows Explorer: torotoisesvn.tigris.org

AnkhSVN is plugin for Visual Studio .NET: ankhsvn.tigris.org


OpenSource logging framework for .NET: http://logging.apache.org/log4net/


Unit testing framework for .NET: http://nunit.org/

Plugin for .NET Visual Studio: http://testdriven.net/


Documentation tool for .NET from source code: http://ndoc.sourceforge.net/


Automated building process for .NET: http://ccnet.sourceforge.net/

GhostDOC for .NET

GhostDoc is a free add-in for Visual Studio that automatically generates XML documentation from appropriate comments. Either by using existing documentation inherited from base classes or implemented interfaces, or by deducing comments from name and type of e.g. methods, properties or parameters.


Nvidia's GauGan App

NVIDIA's GauGAN AI Machine Learning Tool creates photorealistic images from Simple Hand Doodling http://nvidia-research-mingyuliu.com/...