
Classes vs. Structures in VB.Net

If there are no requirements for polymorphism and events, then structure type is a good candidate instead of a class.

If the container types make use of inheritance and polymorphism, then using class is preferable.

A structure can be preferable when:

  • You have a small amount of data and simply want the equivalent of the UDT (user-defined type) of previous versions of Visual Basic
  • You perform a large number of operations on each instance and would incur performance degradation with heap management
  • You have no need to inherit the structure or to specialize functionality among its instances
  • You do not box and unbox the structure
  • You are passing blittable data across a managed/unmanaged boundary

A class is preferable when:

  • You need to use inheritance and polymorphism
  • You need to initialize one or more members at creation time
  • You need to supply an unparameterized constructor
  • You need unlimited event handling support

Source: Using Classes and Structures in Visual Basic .NET

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